Library purchasing coordination group

This group collaborates, coordinates and communicates on strategic and practical issues that shape and impact library procurement.

About the group

The library purchasing coordination group serves as a forum to share information, coordinate responses and give procurement a voice in the UK higher education sector.

It aims to share information, discuss sector wide issues, and consider how to coordinate action to respond and mitigate any risks to the sector.

The group hopes to help influence and shape a more open, affordable, and transparent market.

Members of the group

  • Victoria Farmer, SHEDL representative (chair)
  • Roy Dennis, LUPC representative
  • Michael McLaughlin, APUC representative
  • Caren Milloy, director of licensing, Jisc
  • Gavin Philips, SUPC representative
  • David Prosser, RLUK representative
  • Ann Rossiter, SCONUL representative
  • Anthony Sinnott, procurement consortia library groups representative (ALN)
  • Andrew Walsh, NEUPC representative
  • Shelley Watson, NWUPC representative

Terms of reference

The aims of the group

To ensure a shared understanding of the relevant projects and work being undertaken by each represented library procurement consortia, considering opportunities for collaboration, sharing expertise and working in a coordinated way to impact outcomes:

  • To share information and market intelligence (within legal constraints) to enable the group to discuss sector wide issues such as weaknesses in the market, and to consider how to coordinate action to respond and mitigate any risks to the sector
  • To coordinate communications or responses to major contract trigger events that affect all the sector
  • To help influence and shape a more open, affordable, and transparent market, by contributing to campaigns and strategic initiatives, and provide business intelligence to libraries and Jisc strategy groups
  • To develop workshops on key library procurement topics and promote a better understanding of the role and value of library procurement consortia

Group structure and operation

The group will meet three times a year in January, May, and September, with ad-hoc arrangements as necessary.

Goals for 2023

  • To continue to collaborate on e-textbooks strategy and communications
  • To raise the profile and benefits of library procurement consortia
  • To collaborate in establishing data sharing between members
  • To explore options for e-book preservation provision and requirements