Frameworks, DPS and procurement

Approved framework agreements and dynamic purchasing systems (DPS) to help you save time and money.

How you can benefit

We work with carefully selected suppliers to agree terms that benefit our members, whilst still delivering a service specified to local requirements, and supporting local decision making and accountability.

We'll also support you in accessing DPS and framework agreements and can provide specialist procurement advice and OJEU regulations guidance.

  • Cost savings for members through collaborative spend savings and reduced administrative costs
  • Time savings as there is no need to carry out a full procurement process and call-offs allow for reduced timescales between identifying a need and fulfilling it
  • Legal compliance has been proven
  • Negotiated terms which suit our customers' needs and pro-forma contracts reduce the amount of time and legal input needed from members
  • Flexibility through the use of direct award to first ranked suppliers on certain frameworks or mini-competition for DPSs or more complex or larger requirements


Ensure your users have network access where and when they need it.

Cyber security

Assess vulnerabilities and protect your organisation from attacks.

  • Web filtering and monitoring framework
    A range of web filtering and monitoring solutions enabling you to apply your web use policies, with the most appropriate technology and toolset for your organisation.


Save time and money on access to cloud services.

  • Janet txt framework
    A secure SMS messaging service to manage and distribute messages to individuals or groups
  • OCRE cloud framework
    An EU-compliant procurement framework for cloud infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and associated software as a service (SaaS).
  • Data centre services
    Save money, improve energy efficiency and get the scalability you need by moving systems and services to off-site data centres
  • Telephony DPS
    Purchase a range of telephony services with added reassurance of fast and reliable data transfer over the Janet Network


Straightforward support for procuring library systems.

Open research

An easy route to procuring open research systems.

Help and advice

What is a framework?

A framework is an ‘umbrella’ agreement with one or more suppliers for the purchase of goods or services that institutions are able to use.

What is a DPS?

A dynamic purchasing system (DPS) is a procedure available for contracts for works, services and goods commonly available on the market. As a procurement tool, it has some aspects that are similar to an electronic framework agreement, but where new suppliers can join at any time.

What is procurement?

Procurement is the process of acquiring goods and services, from an external source. The process spans the whole lifecycle from identification of needs, through to the end of a works or services contract. Find out more about procurement and supplier management at Jisc.

Contact us

For help and advice during any part of the procurement process, get in touch.