Extending eduroam

Female technician using digital tablet in server room.

Transforming education and research in the UK with cellular technology, delivering easy, seamless and secure eduroam connectivity beyond the campus.

About the service

We’ve developed extending eduroam to utilise mobile data backhaul technology to deliver eduroam wifi in places where it hasn’t been possible before right across the UK, via low-cost, easy to use devices using 4G and 5G cellular connectivity.

We see it as an important part of the solution to end digital inequalities, improving student experience in off-campus learning and living spaces. Embrace the future of accessible connectivity with extending eduroam.

How does it work?

As a Jisc-managed service, supported via Cradlepoint's NetCloud Manager platform, and delivered direct via our partnership with Sky, extending eduroam offers a fast, agile and secure way to authenticate users to access eduroam wifi via their own devices such as laptops and phones in historically hard to reach locations.

The devices are compact, ‘plug and play’ and depending on the model selected and the coverage available locally from mobile network operators (MNOs), wireless eduroam connectivity reaches between 10 Mbps and 400 Mbps upload/download speeds.

Where have users accessed extending eduroam?

During the successful innovation proof-of-concept phase students and staffed benefited from extending eduroam in a variety of off-campus teaching and learning locations:

  • Hospitals
  • Libraries
  • Sports grounds
  • Equine centre
  • Coffee shop
  • Student houses
  • Arts exhibition space
  • Classrooms
  • Research facility
  • Conference centre

Check eduroam participating organisations

Each ‘eduzone’ created by an extending eduroam device, acts as a visited service for users, the connectivity experience is seamless, just like roaming to another eduroam enabled site.

See a map and list of all participating organisations

Key features

  • 24/7 eduroam wifi availability
  • eduroam everywhere, reaching previously hard to connect locations
  • Seamless and secure access to eduroam for users utilising cellular connectivity
  • Cost-effective and easy to install solution to tackle digital equality
  • Reliable, 4G/ 5G future-ready design
  • Devices can be relocated as and when needed
  • A range of device models to meet the needs of your organisation.


Any Janet connected organisation is eligible to use eduroam at no additional charge. To check if you are registered email help@jisc.ac.uk.

To apply, visit our community page on how organisations can join the service where you will also find the eduroam application form. Applications can only be accepted from directors or network management contacts registered with Janet.

Individual users do not need to separately join the service. Instead, if you are a member of a participating organisation and you have a network logon account, you can use eduroam.

Users need to be eduroam connected and have eduroam credentials.

Find out more about joining eduroam on the eduroam community site.

Use of the eduroam service is subject to adherence to the:

Service level description

The devices utilise the benefits of a robust cellular backhaul to enable staff and students to effectively access eduroam. Extending eduroam devices are available in different models, depending on the customer requirement for the location of the device, and how many users will be accessing the device concurrently. Varying performance capabilities are also affected by the type of device and the availability of a strong local 4G/5G cellular network.

Related services

Connect your device to eduroam

At Jisc, we help you provide internet access to campus visitors in other ways:

  • Govroam
    With govroam, you can simplify connectivity for members of the wider public sector visiting your campus - including NHS, social care and blue-light workers. The service also helps support collaboration with the public sector
  • eduroam Visitor Access
    Smooth, cost-effective connectivity for visitors associated with research and education - using your existing eduroam service

How we support visitors to your campus

eduroam Visitor Access lies ‘in between’ federated roaming and general public access, helping you provide access to people without their own eduroam accounts but who are associated in some way with your organisation’s education goals.

Case study: Cardiff University and NHS Wales

Cardiff University medical students have often reported poor wifi connectivity while on placement in rural clinical settings in Powys, Wales. The university’s Library Service and Powys Teaching Health Board’s Library Service have found a simple and cost-effective solution in a Jisc proof-of-concept to extend eduroam connectivity via 4G and 5G mobile networks.

Read the full case study (pdf)

Case study: Bridgend College

When Bridgend College wanted to host British Horse Society events at its equine centre, bringing valuable funds to the college, Jisc’s extending eduroam pilot came at just the right moment. Now, with extending eduroam, not only are the horse shows streamed live without a glitch, students working at the stables also enjoy seamless connectivity to their Chromebooks.

"We literally plugged it in and it worked. I very rarely give it a second thought because it just works. Without extending eduroam, we would have had to use dongles running off data with a separate log in. The confidence I have in the connectivity comes from the relationship we have with Jisc – I trust them.” Scott Morgan, head of digital innovation and IT services, Bridgend College.

Read the full case study (pdf)

Our partners

ISO certification

This service is included within the scope of our ISO9001 and ISO27001 certificates.

Read more about International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) standards and view Jisc certificates.

ISO 9001-2015 UKAS logo

ISO27001 with UKAS logo