Gender and bonus pay report
Our report for 2023 contains Jisc's gender pay gap data and the actions we are taking.

By Heidi Fraser-Krauss, chief executive, Jisc
Since we started publishing our gender pay gap report, I am delighted that we have progressed towards a more gender balanced workforce. In 2023, we have more women in roles in the upper middle quartile and a decrease in both our mean and median gender pay gap figures. The percentage of women in technical roles remains on par with the sector, highlighting that we are not alone on our journey to a more equitable sector.
Tackling the gender pay gap has been a priority in our Diversity and Inclusion strategy. In 2022/23, we have invested heavily in our people, culture, policies, and processes to provide a more inclusive future for women in tech.
This year, we have worked with Scotland’s gender pay gap experts (Close the Gap) to gain a deeper understanding of our data and areas that need our attention. Combined with learning from colleagues’ experiences through our annual engagement survey and a wide range of conversations, we have a robust understanding of our gender pay gap’s drivers and priorities for action. Some clear challenges persist, within Jisc and the sector more widely: women are underrepresented in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, technical and senior leadership roles, and are overrepresented in lower-paid, part-time roles mostly within support functions.
I’m delighted to welcome this report as a reflection of our achievements, a critical friend, and a blueprint for the future. We are on a path to close the gender pay gap and pave the way for a truly inclusive and equitable workplace. This is our commitment, our challenge, and our promise.
I am pleased to publish our report and confirm that our data is accurate at the time of publishing and signed and authorised by me, Heidi Fraser-Krauss.
pdf, 2.14 MB, 16 pages.