
Explore 57 guides

  1. Guide

    Recordio a ffrydio gwersi i athrawon

    Sut all athrawon addysg bellach yng Nghymru ddarganfod, mabwysiadu neu wella’r defnydd o gynnwys wedi’i recordio a’i ffrydio ar gyfer eu haddysgu a’u dysgu?
  2. Guide

    Digital transformation in higher education

    A toolkit to support the development of digital strategies, assessment of digital maturity across the organisation and the creation of actionable roadmaps and plans for implementation.
  3. Guide

    Arfer da mewn cynaliadwyedd TG

    Cyngor ac arfer da ar draws y sector AB yng Nghymru i helpu i wella eich cynaliadwyedd ariannol a chynllunio tuag at sero net.
  4. Guide

    Good practice in IT sustainability

    Advice and good practice from across the FE sector in Wales to help improve your financial sustainability and plan towards net zero.
  5. Guide

    Employability toolkit

    A framework that can be adopted by teams to aid dialogue, decision-making and planning for developing student employability.
  6. Guide

    Creating an inclusive learner journey

    Inclusive practice is the basis of good digital delivery. We look at the practical approaches making good use of technology to support an inclusive learner journey.
  7. Guide

    Vision and strategy toolkit

    A collection of tools curated for leaders in higher education who are devising and implementing plans for the future.
  8. Guide

    Digital strategy toolkit

    Digital technologies are creating new opportunities where educators are required to deliver the skills needed for the future. A digital strategy is the road map to providing a digitally transformed experience.
  9. Guide

    Staying safe online

    Keep your organisation’s staff and students working safely online, whether they’re on or off-campus.
  10. Guide

    Research data management toolkit

    A toolkit to support you through the entire lifecycle of research data management (RDM). It explains what you should consider and signposts resources from a wide range of websites and organisations.
  11. Guide

    Apprenticeship toolkit

    How colleges and training providers (including employer-providers) can effectively apply digital technologies to support apprentices.
  12. Guide

    Designing learning and assessment in a digital age

    Learning occurs as the result of interaction between learners and their environment. When the learning has a planned outcome, it becomes a purposeful activity that requires the artistry and skill of a learning designer.
  13. Quick guide

    A practical introduction to data protection

    Data protection law regulates how colleges, universities and other learning providers collect and use information about students, staff and others. It also provides individuals with the right to access information held about them.
  14. Quick guide

    Getting started with e-portfolios

    Many educators see e-portfolios as vital to learning, teaching and assessment. Our quick guide takes you through the basics.
  15. Guide

    Code of practice for learning analytics

    Setting out the responsibilities of educational institutions to ensure that learning analytics is carried out responsibly, appropriately and effectively.
Showing all 57 guides