Apply for network time

Apply for a reliable and accurate time reference on behalf of your Janet-connected organisation.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Your details

Alternative contact details

Server details

If your local NTP server has a private IP address, and is behind a firewall or proxy, please provide the public IP address at which your server will appear to be located, and its corresponding fully qualified domain name. Normally this will be the IP address of the firewall or proxy.

Contact preferences

How would you like to be contacted? *
What is your preferred time to be contacted? *

Submission receipt

Privacy notice

The information above is needed for us to set up this hosted internet service. We’ll use it, as described in our standard privacy notice, to provide the service you’ve requested, manage it and to identify problems or ways to make the service better. We’ll keep the information until we are told that you are no longer the representative for your organisation, or until your organisation no longer wishes Jisc to host the service.