Apply for a domain

Before completing this application please familiarise yourself with the application process. By continuing you acknowledge that you accept our payments and charges.

If you would like Jisc to be your registrar, then please complete the form below. Please note that if you are not a Jisc member, you will need to provide your own nameservers.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Domain name details

Who is the domain for? *

Choose a domain name

A domain name must clearly describe your registrant’s organisation or government initiative. You must check if the proposed domain is available to request by using the Nominet lookup tool.

Follow rules on how to choose a domain name.

Contact details

This contact needs to be a current employee of the organisation, who we can get in touch with if needed to discuss this application.

Registrant Details

These details will be published on the public WHOIS. By doing so, you agree to the GDPR requirements. The email will need to be a one, even if it has not been set up yet.

Nameserver details

Please enter the name and IP address of your primary nameserver
Please give the details of at least one and up to nine secondary nameserver(s).

Cost of a new domain name

The cost of registering for a new domain is £110 plus VAT. This fee covers the first year of registration and includes the annual maintenance for the domain.

Under the new registry provider, Nominet, domain owners can have multi-year registrations. More information on this can be found on our charges page.

Submission receipt

Please note: if you are a central government department or agency and would like a domain to host a website, you will need to get an exemption from GDS.

You will need to provide your own nameservers, unless you are a Jisc Member.

Privacy notice

The information above is needed for us to setup this hosted internet service. We’ll use it, as described in our standard privacy notice, to provide the service you’ve requested, manage it and to identify problems or ways to make the service better. We’ll keep the information until we are told that you are no longer the representative for your organisation, or until your organisation no longer wishes Jisc to host the service.