Meeting accessibility regulations

Practical resources and advice to help you understand and implement government legislation.

Understanding the regulations

On 23 September 2018, new accessibility regulations came into force for public sector websites and mobile applications in the UK.

The government is monitoring affected websites and apps to check they follow the rules and aren’t breaking legal requirements.

These regulations require public sector websites and mobile applications to achieve specific accessibility standards. This applies to all publicly-funded higher and further education institutions, including Jisc and its members.

Discover how this impacts HE, FE and schools on

How we can help

Be part of the digital accessibility community

Share experiences with other members and work together to crowdsource resources on our Microsoft Teams site. Apply to join our accessibility community.

You can also connect with accessibility experts in universities and colleges across the UK by signing up to the digital accessibility mailing list on JiscMail, or apply to host a local meetup in your area.

Discover more ways to get involved.

Improve your accessibility skills and understanding

Our free lunchtime accessibility clinics give you the opportunity to ask questions about digital inclusion, provide feedback on areas that are problematic, and share your accessibility journey with others.

Sessions run every month from 12:30 to 13:30 on the first Wednesday the month in the academic calendar.

Register to attend.

Advice and useful resources to help you, whatever stage you are at on your accessibility journey.

Putting into practice the Public Sector Bodies Accessibility Regulations 2018 for colleges and universities.

Guidance on how to ensure your audio and video recordings meet Public Sector Bodies Accessibility Regulations and tips from across the sector.

Contact our experts

  • Headshot of Kellie Mote.

    Kellie Mote

    Kellie is a subject specialist in accessibility and assistive technology and can offer expert advice in this area.

  • Headshot of John Kelly.

    John Kelly

    John can give expert advice on the legal aspects around the accessibility regulations.

  • Headshot of Laura Hutton.

    Laura Hutton

    Laura can advise on implementing accessibility within your organisation, assistive technology and inclusive learning.

Drew McConnell, University of Glasgow

“We did our best to talk about a change in attitude towards accessibility, rather than about technical compliance.”