
Student and staff CPD development using the discovery tool and micro-credentials

This online event will discuss student and staff development with digital skills and how using the discovery tool and additional platforms can help support lifelong learning.

  • One hour
  • Online
  • Free

This event will be held on


This session will provide an overview of the journey that the University of Westminster and Potential.ly partnership has been on for the last seven years. Initially a platform to support graduate attribute development, the university now uses Potentiall.ly to deliver a wide range of digital skills development course to its students through the Westminster Digital Academy. Each course is aligned with the Jisc digital capability development framework and students can earn a digital badge for each course they complete. In turn the badges collected can be exchanged for points towards the university’s overarching Employability Skills Award. In the session, Gunter from the University of Westminster will provide some insights into the impact of the digital skills programme on Westminster’s students. He will also speak of recent developments related to the professional development of academic and professional services colleagues.

Who should attend

Colleagues with a role and an interest or remit for supporting or enhancing the digital capability and digital experience of staff and students across their organisations in higher education.

  • Digital education manager
  • Digital skills manager
  • Learning technologist
  • Digital learning developer


For further information, please contact events@jisc.ac.uk.